
Geranium pruning: 9 mistakes not to make

Geranium pruning: 9 mistakes not to make

Pruning too vigorously

The pruning is mostly about removing the bare minimum. The goal is to reduce the hairs of the geranium. Pruning a plant is essential, especially the geranium. But be careful to do it well! Focus on the 9 mistakes not to make when pruning geraniums.

A geranium will often tend to grow too tall, then to wither if it is not regularly pruned. Moreover, in addition to allowing it to live longer, pruning will allow it to generate new shoots. Check out these 9 mistakes to avoid when pruning geraniums.

When to prune geraniums?

It is useful to know at what time of the year to prune the geraniums. Thus, it is necessary to prune a geranium :

The day of its acquisition

Pruning a geranium should begin as early as possible. Indeed, this will allow it to keep its shape and prevent it from growing too quickly. As a result, you will not lose your bearings and will be able to prune your geranium from time to time.

Before winter

Pruning before winter will prevent the geranium from weakening when the cold weather sets in. It is also recommended to bring in the geraniums during this season or to protect them if they are in the ground.

In spring

In the spring, it is advisable to prune what has grown during the winter. This operation will also promote the flowering of the geranium. Once the temperatures are more favorable, the geranium will grow better.

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