
The varieties of roses that should not be pruned

The varieties of roses that should not be pruned

Varieties of roses that cannot be pruned

No need to unsheath the shears on all the varieties of roses in the garden. Forget summer pruning for those who do without it, even if it means doing it a little in winter if they become too bulky.

What are the varieties of roses that should not be pruned? How do you know whether to cut or not? Response items.

To have cannon roses  all year round, it is necessary to prune them. However, some types of roses can and must, in some cases, do without pruning. We explain why.

What varieties of roses should not be pruned?

Some varieties of roses should not be pruned. Here are the ones that are affected :

Liana roses: these varieties of roses are very vigorous. However, regular pruning would encourage them to produce as much wood as flowers. If you notice that the clump of your creeper rose is growing too much, you can cut off the old stems at the stump.

Bushy botanical roses: their branches are very branched and they do not form long vigorous shoots.

Gallic-type old roses: they are not systematically pruned, but the shrub sometimes needs to be aired . So, think only of removing the branches of the center and which intersect.

Pruning roses: be careful with these gestures!

Certain gestures are to be avoided if you want to have pretty roses. Do not make the mistake of cutting straight : the cut must be made at an angle, the slope on the side opposite the bud. And also be careful never to cut too short in winter , otherwise part of the flowering will be lost. It is also out of the question to prune during the frosts (beware of the Ice Saints in May!) and be sure to disinfect your tools well to avoid any spread of disease.

How to have pretty roses?

As you will have understood, some varieties of roses cannot be pruned, while others must be pruned to encourage flowering. But don't miss out on watering to have pretty roses either. Water at the foot of the plant as soon as the soil is dry, and take care never to wet the foliage in order to avoid any disease of the roses. In summer, consider mulching the soil to keep the soil as moist as possible.

Equipment for pruning roses

When pruning your roses, use sharp pruners which will cut the stems cleanly. Cut at an angle with the slope away from the eye to avoid overexposure to rainwater. It is essential that you disinfect your shears between each size of different plants to avoid the risk of contamination if a subject is sick. To do this, use alcohol at 90°C and a soft cloth.

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